Broadbeach Croquet Club

Street Address: 4 Amrick Avenue, Broadbeach Qld 4218
Postal Address: PO Box 432 Broadbeach 4218
Telephone: None at Club - please contact Bob Neate on 55394250 or 0415285482
Google Map:
President: Alan Edwards 0478100090
Secretary: Sandra Edwards 0402083101
Treasurer: Jim Gardiner 0413159859
Play Days -
If you wish to join our players for a game of croquet, please contact our Club Captain Bob Neate on 55394250 or 0415285482
Golf Croquet
Monday 9am to 12.30pm. Wednesday 3pm to evening Saturday 3pm to evening
Association Croquet
Tuesday 9am to 11.30 am Saturday 9am to 11.30 am
Club Hire
Visitor Information please contact Bob Neate re Club Hire on 55394250 or 0415285482
More Information
If you are a visitor or resident of the Gold Coast, Broadbeach is just south of Surfers Paradise and North of Mermaid Beach.
Public transport is adjacent to the Amrick Avenue entrance with 705 Translink service coming from Sea World, Main Beach to the south and Broadbeach South Station (near Pacific Fair) to the north.
There are other clubs and organisations in the precinct Broadbeach Bowls Club; Broadbeach SLSC; Broadbeach Soccer Club; Royal Queensland Arts Society and the Broadbeach Kindergarten. There are eateries and general store nearby.
Why not add playing a game of croquet at Broadbeach on your to-do holiday list.
Our club acknowledges the CITY OF GOLD COAST for its generosity in making available a recovery grant to cover court maintenance and other unexpected maintenance expenditure during the COVID-19 lockdown and restricted periods during 2020.
Queensland Government provided $6,100 to the Broadbeach Croquet Club towards the restoration of the playing surfaces under the Active Restart Infrastructure Recovery Fund.